Matte black door handles can be a good choice for any home, whether for interior or exterior doors. The matte black color goes with any décor or style, and it can make the doorknob look like an accent piece and not just something drab and functional. When choosing matte black door handles for your home, since you already know the color and finish of the handle, you'll want to consider a few other details to keep in mind for added style and even security. Note a few tips to consider.
1. Shape
The shape of your matte black door handles will be important to the style of a room. A square or oblong lever handle with no curves will have a modern and industrial look and feel, especially when in the black color. If you have a modern design to your home or like details that look simple and clean, this is the best choice. However, be aware that lever handles are the easiest for children to open and close. If you have young children, you may want to opt for something different.
If you want to keep children from working handles or prefer a very traditional look, go for a round door handle for inside and out. This can also be a good choice for doors with square panels, as the round shape can offset the look of those squares. For even more detail, look for an oblong door handle that is curved with a scroll in the center. This can be an especially good choice for matte black door handles, and the scroll will keep it from looking flat and dull.
2. Back panel
The back panel or plate of the doorknob will be important to consider, especially when choosing matte back door handles, as too much of this color can be overwhelming to a door and in a room with lots of other dark accessories. For those rooms, opt for a very small plate. On the other hand, if the door is crisp white and the walls are also painted a light color, choose a large panel or plate for the doorknob so the black color really stands out.
If the matte black color of the door handle seems too dull and dark, you can also add a splash of color with the back panel or plate. Choose something in a stainless steel or even a modern green tone, or opt for a large plate with steel or brass accents to break up the look of the door handle itself.
For more information, contact a local door handle retailer like The Lock and Handle.
Share27 August 2015
As the manager of a five-star hotel, I face many interesting challenges. There's never a dull moment! One of my biggest problems is security. I spend a lot of time obtaining quality keys, locks and safes and ensuring they are well-maintained. There's nothing worse than a tired guest and a broken lock at 3 am! Over the years, I have trialled many different types of locks and safes. I also keep up with the latest technology in this area. I am therefore quite the expert when it comes to advising family and friends about the best systems for their homes and businesses. Given that so many people ask me for advice, I figured that there may be others who are overwhelmed by the plethora of options out there. This blog may give you some ideas and help you make good decisions in your search for superior locks and safes.